Unusual: an incredible trick to clean the baking tray without getting tired!

Cooking enthusiasts love to prepare homemade dishes in the oven. Cakes, gratins or even dishes, all of these delicious preparations can be prepared in the oven. However, the problem with this device is that cleaning it requires time and a lot of attention. Baking trays sometimes get dirty and the inside of the oven is full of hard-to-remove stains from burnt-on food. That is why it is necessary to clean the oven after each use to prevent all these residues from getting onto the cooking plates.

If you want to clean your oven, the internet today offers countless tricks that seem to be just as effective. We saw the last one on TikTok, an incredible trick to make the baking tray shine without the use of chemicals and, above all, without the slightest effort.

TikTok: an unusual way to clean the oven plate

Holly Auna came up with this hack and shared it on TikTok. At home, she uses the oven almost every day and ends up making a mess on her metal baking sheets. They were completely dirty. To clean them, he tried this method by placing the tray upside down in the oven. He then used the oven cleaning function. When she was finished, she turned off the oven and left the plate overnight. The next day he was surprised to see his board clean, shiny and free of dirt.

Try this trick at home: good or bad idea?

If you have pets such as birds at home, remember that self-cleaning can be harmful to them. This self-cleaning system leaves behind toxic fumes that can harm your body. Additionally, cleaning an iron full of grease will produce fumes full of harmful chemicals. It is also worth mentioning that the oven cleaning function is not very environmentally friendly as it uses a lot of energy.

So if you want to try this baking sheet cleaning method, remove your birds. While cleaning, stay away from the oven, close the kitchen and ventilate the room well. Also, make sure your trays are pyrolyzable before cleaning them.