Warm house with a few drops, 3 above will be enough: nothing but radiators

With a few drops of this ingredient we will have a very warm home. Here’s what it is and how to use it.

During this period, we experienced very  cold days   as   temperatures   have dropped considerably compared to recent weeks when the weather was quite mild.

Weather forecasts warned us that this winter would be one of the coldest in 21 years and that is why many have equipped themselves to face the dangers of cold and   frost   .

Homemade: how to make it hot with few ingredients

Furthermore, in recent days the   Australian flu has been depopulated   , which is afflicting many Italians   with   fever   , colds   and   endless coughs   and therefore requires heat to cure, as well as appropriate treatments.

Therefore, it is not necessary to have relapses and that is why it is always better to protect yourself and make sure that there can be the right degree of temperature   in   our   homes   thanks to heating systems.

In more modern houses there is   automatic heating   but in older ones this does not happen and that is why we often end up with cold walls and floors that tend to retain moisture.

House: how to heat it in a few steps

For this,   stoves and radiators are turned on   , and their heat can remain on the surfaces for a long time, and heating panels or foils are used.

But for   floors   things get complicated, which is why in our homes we usually find rugs that do not usually allow our feet to come into direct contact with the ground, sometimes even frozen.

The foolproof method

But there is a method to ensure that our floor is always   warm   and retains useful heat so that we do not run the risk of having a   cold house   in winter and for this solution to work we need some ingredients.

First, we need to take   hot water   and mix it with a few drops of   lemon juice   and a   teaspoon of baking soda   , then add a little   essential oil   to give it a good smell.

After making one pass of these, you should take   lavender oil   ,   Marseille soap   and more hot water, then dissolve all the ingredients in a   bucket.

House: how to heat it in a few steps

Let’s take a cloth and slide it inside, then wring it out and let it run across the   floor   so it can be   disinfected   and warmed in ways you never imagined.

Although simple, this method tends to retain the   heat   that will be released for many hours and its fragrance will remain unmistakable and our home will be as warm and cozy as you could have ever imagined.

For a few hours the floors will remain warm and we will be able to enjoy this sensation without having to resort to heating systems and therefore we will also have saved   on   the bill.

You only need to arm yourself with   a bucket   and a mace to wash yourself and hot water with the aforementioned ingredients and then relax and enjoy the warmth that you will have developed.