We are often embarrassed to open the dishwasher because of the bad smell: here’s how to solve the problem

Does your dishwasher stink? It’s clearly very annoying, especially for someone who, like you, values ​​impeccable hygiene.  Fortunately, with these particularly effective and environmentally friendly tips, you can  remove those unpleasant odors from your dishwasher for good.

Why does the dishwasher smell so bad?

There are many things that can lead to a smelly dishwasher. The main cause is  the accumulation of food particles  . If you don’t clean the plates properly before putting them in the dishwasher, food crumbs can get stuck inside the machine. Over time, these incrustations develop an unpleasant odor.

It could also be that your  dishwasher’s filter  is clogged.  In fact, this component accumulates food waste.   The annoying smell can also be caused by a defective exhaust system  . Frequent use of the machine that is not accompanied by regular maintenance may cause the device to malfunction.

We are often embarrassed to open the dishwasher because of the bad smell: here’s how to solve the problem

Eliminate the unpleasant smell of your dishwasher with these natural ingredients. There is no longer any need to spend money on detergents that cost a fortune.  With affordable solutions you get a clean and fragrant dishwasher.

Make your own laundry detergent based on natural ingredients by choosing from these natural recipes:

  • Vinegar  and baking soda:  Mix the ingredients and pour the solution onto dirty dishes just before rinsing
  • Lemon Juice   : Put  a few lemon peels in the dishwasher  and then wash them. Lemons eliminate bad odors and give your device a sweet scent.
  • Vinegar and citric acid:  Mix these two ingredients and program a vacuum cleaning for your dishwasher  . The limestone and bad smell disappear immediately.