It may happen that we iron our clothes and our t-shirts and suddenly find marks due to the iron soleplate .

As soon as we see these stains we immediately think that the damage is already done and we can’t do anything to recover our garment.

So, what to do if the iron plate stains your clothes? Let’s find out together!

Clean the plate
It might seem like rather banal advice , yet these stains are often due to the dirty iron soleplate which, consequently, transfers its dirt onto the clothes.

Therefore, it would be a good idea to proceed with a thorough cleaning of the plate.

We therefore suggest that you turn on the iron at medium temperature , take half of a lemon and dip it in a saucer containing a little bicarbonate of soda or fine salt .

Then, shake it slightly and pass it over the iron soleplate several times. At this point, turn off the iron, let it cool and wipe it with a damp and well-wrung cloth .

NB I recommend you be extremely careful not to burn yourself.

And if you also want a video to see how to thoroughly clean a burnt iron soleplate , here you go!

Clean the boiler
In addition to the plate, however, it would also be a good idea to clean the boiler because the dirt and limescale accumulated inside tends to be transferred out through the holes in the plate .

To clean it, it would be a good idea to proceed with citric acid, a compound derived from citrus fruits known for its strong anti-limescale action which can also thoroughly clean the washing machine!

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All you have to do, therefore, is pour 150 grams of citric acid into 1 liter of water inside the boiler and heat it.

Once all the dirt has softened , throw away the mixture and let the boiler dry without putting the cap on.

Set the right temperature
Once the boiler and iron soleplate have been cleaned , let’s see together other tricks capable of avoiding the problem of stains on clothes.

Among them, we suggest you be careful about the temperature setting . Often, in fact, very high temperatures could produce the formation of marks and streaks on your garments since the strong heat would tend to burn the fibers of the clothing.

Check the washing labels
Before even using the iron on your garment , always remember to consult the washing labels which give us valuable information on how to treat the garment during the washing and ironing phase.

Let’s start by saying, in fact, that not all garments can be ironed , therefore the labels must be consulted to avoid using the iron on fabrics that are not suitable for high temperatures .

Furthermore, the labels also provide us with information on the temperature to set.

How to remove stains
If, however, the stains have now formed and are present on your head , then it is time to see how to take immediate action and remove them.

In this case, therefore, you will have to intervene immediately on the stain by dabbing it with a sponge soaked in a mixture of hot water and vinegar .

At this point, rub the garment several times and repeat the operation until the stain has disappeared.

As an alternative to vinegar , you can also rub Marseille soap , which boasts such stain-removing properties that it is considered a universal DIY stain remover.

If the stain is very stubborn and now dry, then we suggest soaking the garment in cold water overnight and wiping it with a cloth soaked in hydrogen peroxide the next day.

Finally, apply a little detergent to the stain.

I remind you to try the remedies above on a test fabric to be sure not to damage the affected clothing.