You have just removed the dust from the surfaces of your home but the next day, you look at your coffee table next to the sofa and you find it there again.

How many times has this happened to you? I imagine often. The formation of dust , in fact, seems to be inevitable.

But why does this happen? Here are some things you should know about the constant appearance of dust in your home!

Home appliances

Have you ever heard of electrostatic dust ? Although this concept may seem strange to you, in reality you will all have noticed a greater accumulation of dust on the surfaces of some appliances, such as the oven, the refrigerator and so on.

In reality, this happens because television , computers, fans, microwaves give off static electricity which attracts dust.

Therefore, I suggest you often pass a duster over these appliances to prevent that localized dust from being dispersed throughout the house .

Open windows

Windows open on one side allow for air exchange , but on the other they help bring all the dirt and dust from outside into the house.

Especially if you live in particularly busy areas and on windy days, an open window can bring dust particles into your home with a gust of wind .

For this reason, avoid leaving windows open for too long when it is windy and try to air out the house during house cleaning but close the windows immediately afterwards.

Alternatively, you can also apply mosquito nets which also act as a filter for dust coming from outside . Another tip concerns the use of DIY draft excluders to be placed in the cracks of doors or windows so as not to allow dust to pass through.

Rugs, carpets and fabrics and heavy

If you have carpet in your home or many rugs, this could be the reason why you often find dust.

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These fabrics, in fact, retain a lot of dust and do not allow it to be eliminated accurately. Therefore, this spreads into the environment .

Therefore, if you have rugs and carpets, remember to vacuum often even if the dust is not visible. Furthermore, I remind you to use the steam mop at least twice a year .

Similarly, it would also be a good idea to clean all the fabrics used in the house to cover sofas, armchairs, chairs and tables.

Skin and hair

Furthermore, I remind you that the dust comes from skin cells and hair, as well as from decomposed insects or pieces of food on the ground.

Therefore, as we have already said it seems to be inevitable . What we can do, however, is to pass the vacuum cleaner or duster every day on the surfaces found in the most frequented rooms of the house.

Furthermore, since our body loses  traces of skin, hair and body fluids especially when we sleep, I recommend you wash your bed linen at least every 7 days.


If you usually enter the house with shoes on, it is good to remember that this habit is wrong because the shoes bring in a lot of dirt previously collected outside which ends up turning into dust as soon as it “dries”.

To avoid bringing dirt into your home environment , therefore, remember to take off your shoes outside.

And if you also want to know how to perfume shoes and remove bad odors inside them, here is an article for you!

How to eliminate it and prevent its formation

Finally, let’s see together how to eliminate dust and prevent its formation!

First of all, we suggest that you do not just wipe with a duster as this tends to move the dust but not eliminate it completely.

In fact, it would be a good idea to use a wet microfibre cloth to be able to ” capture” the dust particles. In this regard, I use a DIY citrus cleaner capable of not only eliminating dust in the house but also preventing its formation.

To make it, I fill a spray bottle with water and then add a spoonful of liquid Marseille soap. At this point, I pour 8 drops of citrus essential oil  of your choice between lemon, orange or mandarin and shake the bottle to mix everything.

Finally, I spray the  mixture on the surface and wipe with a microfiber cloth moistened with water. This mixture seems to form an insulating layer  between opposite charges and prevents the  surface from immediately attracting new dust particles. 

DIY dust catcher spray (VIDEO)

And if you want to know how to make a DIY dust-catching spray , here’s a video designed for you!