With this natural remedy even the most stunted flower will come back to life

There is a natural remedy that nursery experts highly recommend for plants, but also for flowers so that they are wonderful and healthy.

natural remedy for flowers

The importance  of caring for plants and flowers  in the home or garden  should not be underestimated  . There are many people who do not have a green thumb and make mistakes when giving nutrients to plants, without asking their trusted expert nurseryman for advice. In any case, there are mineral salts or fertilizers that should always be taken on their own. When the flowers are weak  and the leaves are yellow, there is an excellent natural remedy to use immediately.

Plant care, what are the mistakes that should not be made

There are many mistakes with plants and they are at her expense. Having a garden full of beautiful flowers or a colorful balcony is the dream of many, but  mistakes are often made  and it is not easy to go back.

For those with a green thumb it is very easy to care for plants, ensure they grow healthy and provide all kinds of nutrients necessary for growth. Those who are not experts  and have little time may stumble upon what are common missteps.

take care of plants and flowers

There are three mistakes  that should never be made:

  • Water a plant too much or too little depending on its need. A plant without water dies, but with too much water it tends to rot starting from the roots and then reaching the stem.
  • Expose some plants to direct light, not thinking that they might want the light without the heat burning their leaves. Also in this case the position changes depending on the type of plant
  • The fertilizer may be bad or the plant may be receiving less nutrients than necessary.

Natural remedy for plants: just this ingredient is enough

Fertilizer for a plant is important, as is watering. Usually, we talk about a set of useful elements that can provide you with nutrients such as  mineral salts and vitamins.

Plants need potassium, with tablets which can be found directly at the pharmacy. If the plant has  yellow leaves and semi-withered flowers  , then it is time to take 5 potassium pills to spray.

Immediately after, add water to the mixture and mix until the tablets are completely dissolved. Water your plants with this  natural remedy  and watch them come back to life.

potassium for plants

For plants with critical problems, it is also recommended to add nitrogen, a universal element that is needed for the development of  chlorophyll in plants  . It is essential during the spring period for budding. Then there are also natural fertilizers that can be used at certain times of the year, completely natural such as onion and garlic for example.

Plants should never  lack potassium  and for those who have doubts, the previous method is the one recommended by experts in the sector.