Yellowish bathroom floor, run to the kitchen to get rid of it immediately: just one drop is enough

Have you noticed that the bottom of your toilet has turned yellow and you don’t know how to whiten it? Don’t worry, you can easily solve this problem with some natural ingredients that you can find in the kitchen. Here you will find all the solutions you can use to remove the unsightly yellow stain from the toilet.

Yellowed toilet bowl

The yellowish color of the toilet floor is due to the accumulation of lime from the water. The unpleasant effect of yellow stains contributes to giving the toilet a dirty appearance and, therefore, it is necessary to intervene with specific solutions. Detergents and degreasers are not always effective against yellowing, but fortunately there are natural ingredients that can quickly restore the shine to the toilet and completely eliminate yellow stains.

Coarse salt

Coarse table salt    is one of the most effective ways to    remove yellowness    from the toilet floor. To achieve the desired result, add a little to the bottom of the toilet and let it sit overnight.

The next day, scrub the bottom of the toilet with the toothbrush and then flush. The result will be spectacular and the yellow stains will have completely disappeared. If there is still a yellow halo, repeat the process. The remedy is    effective and also economical    .

White wine vinegar

Vinegar is also an easy ingredient to find, in fact it can be found in the kitchen. You can use any type of vinegar, but it is recommended to use white vinegar, which is also suitable for household use. How to prepare an effective solution to remove yellow stains from toilets:

  • 3 glasses of vinegar
  • boiling water

Mix vinegar and boiling water    in a bucket and pour it down the toilet. Wait a few hours and then flush the toilet. In addition to perfectly cleaning the floor, the solution is also ideal for unblocking the drain if it is blocked by lime deposits. For effective results, you can use vinegar with baking soda, another natural ingredient found in the kitchen. Use both ingredients this way:

  • Add a lot of baking soda to the walls of the toilet.
  • Spray white vinegar into a spray bottle.

Let it sit for a few hours    and then flush the toilet. The whitening effect of baking soda and the descaling effect of vinegar eliminate yellow stains from toilets.

citric acid

A natural ingredient you have in your kitchen is citric acid, also known as lemon juice. Because it is a low-acid substance, it is capable of removing limescale without damaging the ceramic, returning it to its natural splendor. You can use citric acid alone or in combination with other products. Here it is:

  • Citric acid and dishwashing liquid    – Mix a glass of citric acid with 10 ml of dishwashing liquid. Shake the solution well and use it like any other toilet bowl cleaner. The descaling effect of citric acid eliminates lime deposits from the soil.
  • Citric acid and borax    : Mix one cup of citric acid with two cups of borax. Apply the mixture to the walls of the toilet, let it sit for 15 minutes and then rinse. The toilets will be free of yellow stains.

Hydrogen peroxide

Another great toilet bowl bleach is    hydrogen peroxide    . You probably have a bottle of this product at home that you can use to remove yellow stains from toilets.

You can use 10, 20, 30 or 40 volumes of hydrogen peroxide. It is a natural remedy that has surprising effects in cleaning toilets, removing the yellowish color that has accumulated at the bottom. The advantage of using this ingredient instead of products containing chlorine or bleach is that it is not harmful to the environment and does not produce toxic fumes. Pour it down the toilet and    let it sit overnight    . The next morning,    scrub it with the brush    and then flush the toilet, the floor will be very clean.